17 February 2012

NACE Interview with Lorrie A. Krebs, Ph.D.

NACE, the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, conducted a series of interviews with prominent NACE members who participated in the Corrosion 2011 Conference about how NACE membership had affected and enriched their careers.  Lorrie A. Krebs, Ph.D., Vice President, Senior Scientist, and co-owner of Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc. was selected for one of these NACE interviews.

Lorrie served as the Chairman of the Annual Program Conference Committee for Corrosion 2011.  She will be performing the same job at the upcoming Corrosion 2012 at Salt Lake City, Utah from 11-15 March 2012.  She tried to wiggle out of the interview, but NACE was insistent, so here it is:
